RIPE Meeting sponsors receive valuable exposure among the global technical community. Find out more about becoming a part of this highly regarded, professionally organised event and how it can benefit your organisation:
The association also operates the CZ.NIC-CSIRT internal security team and, since 2011, the Czech CSIRT team – CSIRT.CZ. Since 2013 the association is a member of the security project FENIX. CZ.NIC is also an active member of several international Internet organisations such as CENTR or ccNSO and is a member of the EURid association, managing the European domain .EU.
Diamond Sponsor
The RIPE NCC also provide services for the benefit of the Internet community at large.
Platinum Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
With our innovative platforms, cutting-edge technology and dedicated engineers, we deliver high quality interconnection and roaming services to a wide range of businesses worldwide. These include internet service providers, mobile operators, content providers, hosting and cloud providers, TV broadcasters, gaming companies and financial enterprises. Together, we form a strong ecosystem allowing internet end-users to enjoy fast, stable, and cost-effective online experiences.
Verisign, a global provider of domain name registry services and Internet infrastructure, enables Internet navigation for many of the world’s most recognised domain names. Verisign enables the security, stability, and resiliency of key Internet infrastructure and services, including providing root zone maintainer services, operating two of the 13 global Internet root servers, and providing registration services and authoritative resolution for the .com and .net top-level domains, which support the majority of global e-commerce. To learn more about what it means to be Powered by Verisign, please visit
IPv4.Global is a division of Hilco Streambank.