Monday, 28 October

Newcomers’ Lunch
When: 12:30 – 14:00
Where: Restaurant Veduta (2nd Floor), Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague
Ticket: Free of charge for RIPE 89 Newcomers. Bring your badge with you!

Welcome Reception, Meet the RIPE Chair Team and RIPE NCC Executive Board
When: 18:30-20:30
Where: Conference Foyer (3rd Floor), Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague
Ticket: The event is free of charge for all RIPE 89 attendees.
Tuesday, 29 October

Networking Event
When: 21:00 – 01:00
Where: Červený Jelen
Address: Hybernská 1034/5, 110 00, Prague 1, Prague
Ticket: Free of charge for all RIPE 89 attendees. Please bring your badge with you.
Wednesday, 30 October
“DIY Social”
This evening is free for you to relax and explore Prague. If you’re stuck for something to do, check out the suggestions on the “Prague City Tourism” website.

Alternative Social Event: “Tea BoF”
When: 18:30 – 21:00
Where: Kepler, Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague
The “Tea BoF” (short for Tea, Sweets and Games Birds of a Feather gathering) is a community-initiated additional social event, focused on non-alcoholic drinks and card/board games, in a relaxed setting (small and quiet).
Thursday, 31 October

RIPE 89 Dinner: Join Us for a Spooktacular Halloween Dinner 🎃👻
When: 20:00 – 01:00
Where: The National Museum in Prague (Národní muzeum)
Address: Václavské náměstí 68, Prague 1, Prague
Dress Code: Halloween Costumes
Ticket: €50 per person. You must bring your badge and your dinner ticket!