Henry Birge-Lee
I am a research software engineer at Princeton University in the CS and ELE departments. I primarily work under professors Prateek Mittal and (now Princeton University provost) Jennifer Rexford on Internet security and privacy. I specialize in understanding and defending against cross-layer network attacks and have done extensive research on the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). I am an inventor and key advocate of Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration (MPIC) which helps protect HTTPS connections from BGP attacks. MPIC is deployed by Let's Encrypt and Google Trust Services and is required by the CA/Browser Forum for all WebPKI certificate issuance starting March 15, 2025. I am also a founder of the Open Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration Project (Open MPIC) which provides an open-source implementation of MPDV for use in the CA industry. My work was a two-time runner up for the Caspar Bowden PET award, and I was awarded best talk at HotPETs '17.