Date: Monday, 14 October 17:00 – 18:30 (UTC+2/CEST)
What does it take to build and maintain a national Internet infrastructure? What are the key elements of a well-functioning Internet ecosystem? Is there more to the world’s most famous “network of networks” than just routers, switches, and Ethernet cables?
It turns out that a thriving Internet relies heavily on an extensive network of people dedicated to keeping it running smoothly. As we geared up for RIPE 89 in Prague, the event put the spotlight on the Czech Internet community and the remarkable work they have done to create a stable, robust, and resilient Internet.
- Welcome
– Mirjam Kühne, RIPE Chair - A Quick Guide to RIPE Meetings
– Urban Suhadolnik - Teaching BIRDs How to Fly
– Maria Matějka, CZ.NIC - NIX.CZ Internet Exchange Point
Marian Rychtecký, NIX.CZ - Routing My Way: From CESNET to RIPE NCC
– Ondřej Caletka, RIPE NCC - The RIPE NCC and Academia
– Jelena Ćosić, RIPE NCC
There are a limited number of student tickets available to attend RIPE 89 in person. Use the link below if you would like to apply for a RIPE Meeting student ticket.

Mirjam Kühne
Mirjam is the RIPE Chair and has been a member of the RIPE community for over twenty years. Throughout her career, she served as a Senior Community Builder for various Internet organisations. She has a deep knowledge of the Internet community and regularly collaborates with stakeholders from various sectors, including technical, security, academic and government.
Mirjam obtained a Master of Computer Science degree at the Technical University Berlin, Germany.

Maria Matějka
I’m the leader of BIRD Internet Routing Daemon development team, managing most around it and maintaining the upcoming version 3. I’m the main author of its current filter interpreter and of the multithreading subsystem.
Besides software development, I’m also concerned about (children’s) equal access to education, mostly regarding financial and social aspects. I’ve also been obliged to learn quite a lot about other Czech law (and some parts of European law). Say “GDPR”, “social benefits” or “legal name change” in my presence only at your own risk.
I also love any means of public transportation and logistics, including studying their history (vehicles, disused railways and roads …) and knowing their regulations and tariffs. Sometimes, I play chess, mostly at Lichess:, and some day, I’ll get my FIDE ELO, hopefully, if I get to play over-the-board games. I’m also able to get a piano and organ to make some rather enjoyable sounds.
Here is my personal website:

Marian Rychtecký
Marian has served as CTO since 2019, overseeing the operations, security, and development of NIX.CZ and NIX.SK IXP infrastructures. He is the head of the technical team focused on new technology adoption and leads a software development team to create a platform for member information exchange. Marian also manages the Fenix project, which supports self-managed companies providing critical services, ensuring secure operations even in crises. He collaborates with partners like RIPE NCC and EURO-IX to represent the Association and advance industry standards.

Ondřej Caletka
Ondřej Caletka joined the RIPE NCC in 2020. He works as a technical expert in the Learning and Development team. His main responsibility includes developing and operating the lab environment for training courses and online learning.
Ondřej graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague and worked as network services administrator and developer for the Czech national research and education network CESNET before joining the RIPE NCC. He is also active in local IT communities around open source/free software, and acts as an IPv6 and DNSSEC ambassador, delivering talks and trainings at various events.

Jelena Ćosić
Jelena works as a Community Builder for the RIPE NCC, with a special focus on South Eastern Europe. As part of her role, Jelena works on supporting local communities and engaging various stakeholders, including RIPE NCC members, governmental agencies, academic institutions, and civil society organisations. Another aspect of her work is the collaboration with the academic community, through the RACI programme and other institutional partnerships.