Getting There

Meeting Venue:

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Address: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Freyova 33, Prague 9 – Vysočany,

Traveling from Václav Havel Airport Prague to Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

By bus:

Prague Public Transit Company: Ride the Airport Express Bus (AE) to Prague Main Train Station, then metro Line C (Red Line) to Vysočanská Station. More information can be found on their website.

By taxi or shuttle:

Use a taxi or rideshare service from the airport or use a private shuttle service. The hotel can also arrange this for you if you contact them in advance.

By car:

The journey from Václav Havel Airport takes 30⁠-⁠45 minutes (19.5 km). To get from the airport to the venue, follow Aviatická for 1.7 km, then take Route 7, Evropská, Městský okruh, Povltavská and Českomoravská to nám. OSN in Praha 9 for 21.3 km. Finally, turn left onto nám. OSN.
Please consult Google Maps or other navigation sites for detailed information.