Code of Conduct (CoC)

The RIPE Code of Conduct is published as a RIPE Document.


Since 1989, the RIPE community’s strength has come from its breadth of experience, diversity of views, and open, respectful exchange of ideas. These are values that we want all RIPE community members to uphold. Therefore, everyone who participates in our community must adhere to the RIPE Code of Conduct (CoC).

At RIPE 80, the RIPE Chair proposed integrating the separate meeting and mailing list codes of conduct into a single document. This document is the result. It will be accompanied by other documents that describe the team responsible for implementing it and the processes that will be used.

This document includes several lists of examples. These lists are non-exhaustive and provided to illustrate. They do not and cannot document all possibilities.
The RIPE community expects all participants to use good sense and not to view guidelines for human behaviour in the same way as technical documentation.


Our goals in having this Code of Conduct are:

  • To help everyone feel safe and included. Many people will be new to our community. Some may have had negative experiences in other communities. We want to set a clear expectation that harassment and related behaviours are not tolerated here. If people do have an unpleasant experience, they will know that this is neither the norm nor acceptable to us as a community.
  • To make everyone aware of expected behaviour. We are a diverse community; a CoC sets clear expectations in terms of how people should behave.

Call to Action

We need to be aware of the impact of our behaviour on others. When a person discovers they have made a mistake, they should acknowledge this and apologise. If they are unable to do this, the Code of Conduct Team can help.

If you see behaviour that breaches the CoC, you can ask that person to stop or change what they are doing. If you are not comfortable doing so, or if this does not work, please make a report to the Code of Conduct Team.


Where this CoC Applies
This CoC is for all participation in RIPE. This means all in-person events, including social activities organised alongside those events. It also means any Internet-mediated participation, including mailing lists, real-time video or chat functionality, and communication technologies to be deployed in the future.
The RIPE NCC will ensure that the RIPE CoC is applied to all events it organises, unless there is an alternative that is more suitable.

People and Organisations Bound and Protected by the Code
This CoC applies to all people participating within the RIPE community, both on-site at physical events and over the Internet. It includes everyone supporting the community, even if they do not actively participate.

CoC and Law

This CoC only refers to ethical behaviour for the purposes of RIPE activities. It is not meant to define legal or illegal activities, which are covered by the relevant laws.


RIPE participants should be open, considerate, and respectful. This helps us to understand each other so that we can discuss issues and reach consensus. Behaviours that reinforce these values help to keep RIPE a positive environment to work and interact in. Here are some examples of positive behaviours (this is a non-exhaustive list):

  • Accepting differing viewpoints and experiences
  • Acknowledging the time and effort that community members have contributed
  • Being considerate and showing empathy towards others, especially when disagreeing or raising issues
  • Being open to collaboration and working with others
  • Focusing on what is best for the community, respecting the community’s processes and working within them
  • Giving/receiving feedback or suggestions in a positive way
  • Using welcoming and inclusive language

Behaviours that undermine our values are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Below are some examples. It is important to be clear that this is a non-exhaustive list. Just because something is not included here, does not mean it is acceptable or is not a violation of the CoC.

Identity discrimination.
Any behaviour, actions, or presentation content displaying discrimination based on (this is a non-exhaustive list):

  • Age
  • Culture
  • Degree of mental or physical ability or disability
  • Education or technical expertise
  • Experience in the community
  • Family status
  • Gender expression
  • National origin or immigration status
  • Physical appearance
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Sexual orientation
  • Social or economic class

Aggressive behaviour or intimidation.
Any actions that are physically aggressive or used to intimidate others (some examples include):

  • Following someone
  • Inappropriate physical contact or proximity

Aggressive communication (some examples include):

  • Calling people offensive names
  • Deliberately outing private details about someone without their consent
  • Inappropriate/unwanted sexual attention
  • Insulting someone
  • Making threats
  • Posting sexually explicit or violent material
  • Pushing someone to drink or take drugs
  • Repeatedly interrupting someone’s presentation

Inebriation and intoxication.
Some events may provide alcoholic drinks. We expect people to drink responsibly. Alcohol use or other intoxication is never accepted as an excuse for CoC violations.

Discretion to Reject Reports

This Code of Conduct is not a tool to attack others. It allows the community to apply good sense and does not provide for clever interpretations or loopholes. Reports that are not made in good faith will therefore be rejected at the discretion of the Trusted Contacts or future Code of Conduct Team.

Some examples include (this is a non-exhaustive list):

  • Counter-reports that someone’s reaction to a CoC violation is also a CoC violation (e.g. being insulting to someone who is harassing others)
  • Reports based on ‘reverse -isms’, such as ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia’
  • Reporting someone for their refusal to debate or provide evidence
  • Reports that criticise discriminatory or otherwise oppressive behaviour or assumptions
  • Reports that someone is communicating in a tone you do not like

Please be aware that attendees violating the RIPE Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the meeting without a refund and other actions may be taken as deemed necessary.

Reporting Code of Conduct Violations

If you experience or witness behaviour that violates the RIPE Code of Conduct, you should report this to the RIPE Code of Conduct Team. They will then investigate and apply any outcomes as appropriate. The Code of Conduct Team will exercise discretion when handling reports.

To submit a report, you can use this webform. You can send an email directly if you prefer to Anonymous reports can be made using the form, however in this case you will not be notified of any outcomes. You can also make a report by speaking with a member of the Code of Conduct Team directly.

The RIPE Code of Conduct Team

The RIPE Code of Conduct Team consists of 10 members – seven of whom are RIPE community volunteers and the other three are RIPE NCC staff members. All team members have received specific training to fulfil this role. They are also bound by confidentiality.

The Code of Conduct team for RIPE 89 consists of:

Randy Bush
Randy Bush
Email Randy
Cynthia Revström
Cynthia Revström
Email Cynthia
Franziska Lichtblau
Franziska Lichtblau
Email Franziska
Sebastian Becker
Sebastian Becker
Email Sebastian
Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob
Email Samaneh
Andrew McConachie
Email Andrew
Robert Lister
Robert Lister
Email Robert
Vesna Manojlovic (RIPE NCC)
Vesna Manojlovic
Email Vesna
Maria Stafyla (RIPE NCC)
Maria Stafyla
Email Maria
Saloumeh Ghasemi (RIPE NCC)
Saloumeh Ghasemi
Email Saloumeh